Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You have to pay for Ketchup?

Yesterday I broke down and went to Mc Donalds.....I was hungry and just didn't feel like Pasta or anything of the like so I was walking by Mc Donalds and stopped in to have a bite before I went to class. This is not something I regularly do when traveling because eating the native food emerges you in the culture, but it sounded so good at the time. Believe me, it didn't taste as good as it does at home, if I can even say it tastes good there, because I am pretty sure I wouldn't consider it "good" in my everyday life.  

Oh, one other thing, who  ever pays for ketchup? I just wanted some ketchup for my fries, but the man said it was .30 euros.....who pays .36 cents for a measly Mc Doanld's ketchup packet? Not me! 

The coke was as good or better than at home though. On a hot day, who could ask for anything other than a COLD Mc Donalds Coke?

1 comment:

  1. I am ready for some Baked Ziti when you come home!!! You must have had a hard day to go to Mc D's! Even I would rather cook than go there!! Miss you loads, Love Mom!
