Monday, June 21, 2010

Venice....My Favorite City in the World.

Fortunately  I was able to re-visit  what is now my favorite city in the world this weekend.  Its all I remember it to be from  when I was there five years ago plus a lot more.  From the canals to the squares, bridges and the famous Vapparettos. We didn't get to ride on the Vapparettos this time because we were only there 6 hours but just seeing all the action made this trip amazing. 

One of my favorite pictures of the day was taken minutes after we stepped off the train...

This photo pretty much sums up most of my memories that I have from this amazingly historic city.  From the boats to the people to the ancient architecture, I can (and have) sat at the edge of the water  at the bottom of this photo for uninterrupted moments  with no cares in the world. 

Pictured Below is part of our group that traveled to Venice from Florence. There was a total of 18 of us who went for the day!

And just to compare the difference the following two pictures are 5 years apart in just about the same place in the world!


Kinda Cool....right?

That's all for now, Ciao!


  1. i think the only thing missing was me! glad to see you had a blast re-visiting.

  2. when you go off the train did you yell to make sure it was venice?

  3. off course!! I was telling everyone the story....we almost got lost....Ill tell you the story when I get home!
